Having a highly qualified team spirit, adopting the philosophy of total quality and competitive, constantly renewing and strengthening itself by following technological developments, will continuously increase the customer satisfaction provided by the products and services provided by the power of its CORPORATE STRUCTURE, exceeding the customer expectations; Accordingly, we will be a company that always aims forward by following the rules of the quality management system it has established, adapting this system to the needs of the age, constantly increasing efficiency, being reliable and respectful to the environment in all fields of activities, specializing even more in the sectors in which it operates.
Since its foundation in 1976, our company, with its half a century of experience, has undertaken, completed and still ongoing works against Public Institutions and Organizations and Private Sector Organizations in the country and all over the world, as well as the types and volumes of the completed works, by applying the latest technology and organizational organization, with trained and experienced experience. With its technical personnel, machinery and equipment park, it proves that it can successfully execute all these projects it has undertaken within the framework of ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety systems.